Credit Report Problems

Regain Control of Your Life

As many as 1 in 3 Americans have errors on their credit reports, with 1 in 5 experiencing mistakes serious enough to affect their credit scores, leading to denials of new credit or refinancing. These inaccuracies can cause significant financial dilemmas, impacting employment, credit applications, car loans, and insurance.

Don't Let Credit Report Problems Hurt Your Opportunities

If you suspect that credit report errors are impacting you, contact Consumer Law Professionals. You may have a case against the creditors and consumer reporting agencies responsible for these mistakes. Our credit lawyers are ready to apply their expertise in the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) to help you.

Attorney Services for Credit Report Errors and Credit Mistakes

Credit report errors are more common than you might think and can be challenging to remove. These mistakes can drag down your credit score and lead to harassment from debt collection agencies. Consulting with an experienced attorney can help correct these issues and stop any harassment. Refer to our free infographic, "How To Dispute Credit Report Errors," for guidance.

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Getting Your Free Credit Report

Many Americans have errors on their credit reports, which can impact their credit scores. It is essential to access your free credit report to ensure it is accurate., verified by the Federal Trade Commission, provides free credit reports. Always check the URL before entering personal information to avoid scams.

Reviewing Your Credit Report

When you receive your credit report, follow these steps:

  1. Verify Personal Information: Check for recent changes in address, job, or name.
  2. Review Credit Accounts: Confirm that you opened each account listed.
  3. Check Amounts Due: Match them with your recent statements.
  4. Inspect Payment Information: Ensure no missed or past-due payments are incorrectly reported.
  5. Monitor Credit Inquiries: Verify inquiries and identify any unauthorized attempts to access your credit.
  6. Examine Judgments and Bankruptcies: Ensure correct dates for accurate removal timing.
Preparing Your Report

Credit Reporting Laws

Credit reporting laws, such as the FCRA, protect consumers by ensuring the accuracy of reported information. This law allows consumers to access their credit reports and dispute errors. Credit reporting agencies and creditors must correct inaccuracies upon request. Our attorneys can assist in gathering documentation and ensuring timely error correction.

Common billing errors on credit reports include:

  • Charges for items not purchased
  • Amount discrepancies
  • Charges for undelivered items
  • Calculation errors
  • Uncredited payments

Getting Help Fixing Errors & Stopping Harassment

Fixing credit report errors often requires professional assistance. Credit history impacts employment, housing, and financing opportunities. An experienced credit report error attorney can make a significant difference. Debt collection agencies must follow specific rules, and any behavior outside these rules can be considered harassment. At Consumer Law Professionals, we help stop this harassment. We offer no upfront fees and only get paid upon success. Utilizing our extensive knowledge of the CROA and FCRA, we can determine your eligibility for compensation and ensure the accuracy of your credit report.

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